Travel Reference
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Stern Cromwell hated luxury and ordered a warts-and-all portrait (see wart on his left
temple and scar between his eyebrows). He has a simple, bowl-cut hairstyle adorning his
82-ounce brain (49 is average). Speaking of heads, three years after Cromwell's death,
vengeful Royalists exhumed his body, cut off the head, stuck it on a stick, and placed it
outside Westminster Abbey, where it rotted publicly for 24 years.
• Pass through Room 6 and into Room 7. Facing you is...
Charles II (1630-1685)
After two decades of wars, Cromwell's harsh rule, and Puritanical excesses (no dancing,
theater, or political incorrectness), Parliament welcomed the monarchy back (with tight re-
strictions) under Charles II. England was ready to party.
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