Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The Renaissance was born in Florence, but it flowered in Venice. The Venetians had be-
come wealthy by trading with the luxurious and exotic East, and their artists forged a
happy-go-lucky art style that shows a taste for the finer things in life. Madonnas and saints
were replaced by smooth-skinned, sexy, golden centerfolds. Venetian artists revived the
classical world in all its pagan glory, creating beautiful scenes of sensuous Nature. Be
aware that the following works may be moved around among Rooms 9-12.
• Walk from Room 9 (through Rooms 10 and 11) to Room 12, and look for...
Titian— Bacchus and Ariadne (1520-1523)
Bacchus, the god of wine, leaps from his leopard-drawn chariot, his red cape blowing be-
hind him, to cheer up Ariadne (far left), who has been jilted by her lover. Bacchus' motley
entourage rattles cymbals, bangs on tambourines, and literally shakes a leg.
Man and animal mingle in this pre-Christian orgy, with leopards, a snake, a dog, and
the severed head and leg of an ass ready for the barbecue. Man and animal also literally
“mix” in the satyrs—part man, part goat. The fat, sleepy guy in the background has had
too much.
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