Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The Horse Guards building was the headquarters of the British army from the time
of the American Revolution until the Ministry of Defence was created in World War II.
Back when this archway was the only access point to The Mall (the street leading to Buck-
ingham Palace), it was a security checkpoint. Anyone on horseback had to dismount be-
fore passing through. Today, by tradition, you must dismount your bicycle, Vespa, or Seg-
way and walk it through. During the 2012 Olympics, the broad expanse of Horse Guards
Parade was covered in sand to host the beach volleyball matches.
The Horse Guards Museum offers a glimpse at the stables and a collection of uniforms
and weapons.
• Continue up Whitehall, passing the Old Admiralty (#26, on left), headquarters of the
British navy that once ruled the waves. Across the street, behind the old Clarence Pub,
stood the original Scotland Yard, headquarters of London's crack police force in the days
of Sherlock Holmes. Finally, Whitehall opens up into the grand, noisy, traffic-filled Tra-
falgar Square.
To reach the center of the square, cross a few streets at the crosswalks.
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