Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Appendix A:
Source Code
Throughout this topic, there have been numerous references to source code, but notably in
short "snippet" forms. The intention behind this was to focus only on the code specifically
related to the topic being discussed, and in particular, to avoid long blocks of code that dis-
tract from the main text. This appendix describes the full source code provided as an open-
source project hosted as part of the CodePlex project. This freely available code contains
complete, working sample code for each of the sample algorithm chapters in this topic.
This model of providing the source code online as an open source project was chosen
for several reasons. By not providing a CD with the topic, we can continue to maintain, up-
date, and even extend the samples long after the topic has been published. This means that
in general, the code will continue to improve over time, ultimately providing the user with
a better reference. In addition, since all of the code is built from the same library, readers
can easily use the library for their own needs. In this way, the sample programs serve as
examples of how to use the library.
Our hope is that this model will ultimately allow the sample applications to provide
a maximum benefit to the reader in more than one way.
The Hieroglyph 3 Engine
The library that the samples are built upon is named Hieroglyph 3. It was initially devel-
oped by Jason Zink as a tool to learn about both Direct3D and software engineering. As
such, its development began sometime in the year 2000, starting with Direct3D 8, and has
evolved along with the API into its current form, which uses Direct3D 11. It consists of a
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