Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 2.4. The D3D11_DEPTH_STENCIL_VIEW_DESC structure.
size of the structure to a minimum. All of the "union-ed" structures are used to specify what
portions of the resource to make available in the resource view. Of course, since each type
of resource uses a different memory layout and different options, it makes sense to have
different structures for each resource type. Since we haven't covered the various resource
types (or their various configurations) in detail, we must defer a detailed look into these
properties. When we investigate the various resource types and their layout concepts later
in this chapter, we will revisit these structures to see how they provide appropriate subre-
source selections.
Depth stencil view options. The depth stencil view option structure has a description
structure that is similar to the one for the render target view. Its individual components are
shown in Figure 2.4.
As can be seen above, this resource view type also requires a DXGI data format and a
view dimension property to be specified. One point of interest is that the number of differ-
ent resource types that can be used for a depth stencil resource view is somewhat smaller
than can be used for a render target view. This is due to the specific nature of the operations
that are performed on a depth stencil resource.
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