Graphics Reference
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Figure 11.1. The final output and intermediate g-buffer textures of a deferred renderer. Model courtesy of
Radioactive Software, LLC, . Created by Tomas Drinovsky, Danny Green.
significant factor in determining the final color of a pixel. Typically, it consists of the fol-
lowing steps:
1. Determine which lights need to be applied to a particular pixel, based on the light
type and attenuation properties
Evaluate a bidirectional reflection distribution function (BRDF) 1 for each pixel,
using material properties (albedo), surface properties (normal and position), and
the properties of each light that affects the pixel.
3. Apply the results of a light visibility calculation, or in other words, determine
whether or not a pixel is "in shadow."
1 A BRDF is an equation used to evaluate the amount of light that reflects off a surface. Typically, a BRDF will
use several input parameters, including the properties of the light, the material properties of the surface, and the
position of the eye or camera. (Zink, Hoxley, Engel, Kornmann, & Suni)
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