Graphics Reference
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ldms_indexable(texture2dms)(float,float,float,float) r0.z, r0.xyzw, t1.yzxw, v4.x
ldms_indexable(texture2dms)(float,float,float,float) r0.xyw, r0.xyww, t0.xywz,
add r0.z, r0.z, -cb0[6].z
div r0.z, cb0[6].w, r0.z
mad, -v1.xyzx, r0.zzzz, v2.xyzx
dp3 r1.w, r1.xyzx, r1.xyzx
sqrt r1.w, r1.w
div, r1.xyzx, r1.wwww
div r1.w, r1.w, v1.w
add r1.w, -r1.w, 1(1.000000)
max r1.w, r1.w, 1(0.000000)
mad, -v1.xyzx, r0.zzzz, r1.xyzx
dp3 r0.z, r2.xyzx, r2.xyzx
rsq r0.z, r0.z
mul, r0.zzzz, r2.xyzx
mov, 1(0,0,-1.000000,1.000000)
mov r3.xy, r0.xyxx
dp3 r0.z, r3.xywx, -r3.xyzx
sqrt r2.w, r0.z
mul r0.xy, r2.wwww, r3.xyxx
mad, r0.xyzx, 1(2.000000, 2.000000, 2.000000, 0.000000), 1(0.000000,
0.000000, -1.000000, 0.000000)
dp3_sat r2.x, r0.xyzx, r2.xyzx
dp3_sat r0.x, r0.xyzx, rl.xyzx
log r0.y, r2.x
mul r0.y, r0.y, r0.w
add r0.z, r0.w, 1(8.000000)
mul r0.z, r0.z, 1(0.039789)
exp r0.y, r0.y
mul r0.y, r0.z, r0.y
mul r0.y, r0.x, r0.y
mul r0.xzw, r0.xxxx, v3.xxyz
mul o0.xyzw, rl.wwww, r0.xzwy
// Approximately 35 instruction slots used
Listing 6.31. Diagnostic output from fxc. exe.
The first section ("Buffer Definitions:") is a listing of all constant buffers used in
the shader program. This includes the offset and size of each individual constant, as well
as whether or not the constant is actually used in the shader program. The next section
("Resource Bindings:") contains the name, type, and slot of all resource objects and con-
stant buffers used in the shader. The third section ("Input signature:") contains a listing of
all inputs required by the shader program. The input signature can be very important when
matching shaders for one stage with shaders from another stage, since the earlier shader
must produce enough outputs to satisfy the input signature. This is also true of vertex shad-
ers, except now the bound vertex buffer and. corresponding input layout must provide the
elements required by the input signature. The final section ("Output signature:") simply
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