Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 1.4. A graphical representation of the DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC structure and its members.
are needed to have DXGI properly manage a window's contents. We specify out desired swap
chain options in the pSwapChainDesc parameter by filling in a DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC
structure. This structure is shown in Figure 1.4, with the available options for its members.
These structure members each control various aspects of the swap chain's behav-
ior. The BufferDesc parameter provides details about the buffer that will hold the win-
dows contents. Its Width and Height parameters give the size of the buffer in pixels. The
RefreshRate parameter is a structure that provides a numerator and denominator to define
the refresh rate of the contents of the window. The Format parameter is a member of the
DXGI_FORMAT enumeration, which provides all of the available formats for a texture re-
source to use. The ScanlineOrdering parameter defines the raster techniques for image
generation. And finally, the Scaling parameter specifies how the buffer will be applied to
the window's client area, allowing either scaled or centered presentation. Many of these
options are chosen once and then simply reused as a default behavior.
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