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coordinates are denoted with subscript p . The following equations are used:
The result of Equation (3.2) may not be obvious at first inspection, but we can gain
some insight into this equation by plotting z after the divide by W as a . function of the input
Z-coordinate. This is demonstrated in Figure 3.47. Here we can see that the post projection
Z-value can reside in one of three general areas. If the input Z-coordinate is less than the
near clipping plane, Z n , the resulting Z p has a negative value. If the input Z-coordinate is
between Z n and Z f the resulting Z p has a value between 0 and Z f Any input Z-coordinate
that is greater than Z f produces a Z p that is greater than Z f 2 6
At some point after projection, these post-projection coordinates must be rehomoge-
nized by dividing by the W -coordinate. By dividing all of the coordinates by the W -coordinate,
we ensure that the post-divide W -coordinate will be 1. We can also consider what happens
to our post divide Z-coordinate by simply dividing the results discussed above by Z 1 . When
Z 1 equals Z n , the result is 0. When Z 1 equals Z f , the result is 1. Thus, after the divide by W
we have a valid depth range of values between 0 and 1, which correspond to the input val-
ues between Z n and Z f We won't repeat the calculations here, but the X- and Y -coordinates
produce a similar behavior, with each of them producing valid values in the -1 to 1
Figure 3.47. The post-projection Z-coordinate of a position.
2 6
All of these equations assume a left-handed coordinate system, where Z is positive in the direction of view.
This is the standard coordinate system used in Direct3D.
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