Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
be used specified in the MipLevels parameter. A visualization of the mip level subset range
is shown in Figure 2.42.
Texture3D unordered access view. The unordered access view also only supports one form
of 3D texture access, which supplies a single mip-map level and allows for the selection of
a depth range. This is performed with the D3D11_TEX3D_UAV structure within the D3D11_
UNORDERED_ACCESS_VIEW_DESC structure, as shown in Listing 2.44.
struct D3D11_TEX3D_UAV {
UINT MipSlice;
UINT FirstWSlice;
Listing 2.44. The members of the D3D11_TEX3D_UAV structure.
This structure allows for the mip-map level to be specified in the MipSlice param-
eter, while the range of depth slices is selected with FirstWSlice and WSize. This makes
it fairly simple to use a single 3D texture resource for multiple different uses. This special
range selection is visualized in Figure 2.43.
Texture3D render target view. The 3D texture resources can be used as a render target,
although they are actually interpreted as 2D render target arrays. In this case, each depth
Figure 2.43. A 3D texture subresource selection for use with an unordered access view.
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