Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
struct D3D11_TEX2D_UAV {
UINT MipSlice;
Listing 2.35. The members of the D3D11TEX2D_UAV structure.
The mip-map level is selected with the MipSlice member. The difference from the
shader resource view subresource is that only a single mip-map level is allowed. This is
shown in Figure 2.38.
The array-based 2D texture resources are also able to be exposed to the program-
mable shader programs with an unordered access view. This allows a single mip-map level
to be specified over a subrange of the array elements. These selections are made with the
D3D11_TEX2D_ARRAY_UAV structure in the D3D11_UN0RDERED_ACCESS_VIEW_DESC struc-
ture, as shown in Listing 2.36.
struct D3D11_TEX2D_ARRAY_UAV {
UINT MipSlice;
UINT FirstArraySlice;
UINT ArraySize;
Listing 2.36. The members of the D3D11_TEX2D_ARRAY_UAV structure.
Figure 2.38. The various subresource selections available for 2D texture resources within unordered access
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