Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 5.11 Statue at Montpellier,
France, commemorating the
rescue of French Vitis vinifera
vines from phylloxera by resistant
American rootstocks.
improve drought tolerance, water use efficiency, discrimination in the uptake of
sodium (Na + ), potassium (K + ), and chloride (Cl ) ions, as well as vine balance and
wine quality (Clingleffer et al., 2011). However, no one rootstock will satisfy all
requirements, so the choice of a particular rootstock will be determined by the
main factor of concern at a particular site.
In summary, growers should consider using a rootstock
• Whenthereisariskofphylloxeraattack
• Whenthepopulationofoneormoreparasiticnematodesinthesoilis
above a critical threshold level
• Insalt-afectedsoil
• Indrought-pronesoil
• Inareplantsituation
• Tomanagevinegrowthonhighorlowvigorsites
Phylloxera and Its Control
Phylloxera (scientific name: Daktulosphairia vitifoliae ) is a small aphid that feeds
on vine roots and is occasionally found in leaf galls. The first above-ground sign
of an attack is a premature yellowing of leaves near harvest, which is more obvious
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