Agriculture Reference
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6. As water drains from a saturated soil, matric suction forces acting on the
to each soil, describes the change in soil water content as the matric
suction increases. At the FC , the matric suction is normally 10 kPa, and
this increases to 1500 kPa at the PWP . The water held between 10 kPa
and60kPaisconsideredtobereadilyavailablewater( RAW )—vines
do not suffer any stress in this range; that held between 60 kPa and 400
kPaisdeicitavailablewater( DAW ),becauseinthisrangevinessufer
moderate water stress, with symptoms observable in the vineyard.
7. The fraction of a soil's volume that is drained at the FC defines its
8. Soilcompaction,whichisobviousinsodicsubsoilswhendry,causes
penetrometer, should ideally be <2 MPa when the soil is at its FC .Such
a condition provides a sufficiently firm base for machinery, promotes
good drainage, and allows easy root penetration.
9. Vineyardsoilsinwinterrainfallregionsshouldnormallyregain FC by
the end of winter. After bud burst, evaporation from the soil surface and
transpirationthroughthevines(togetherevapotranspiration,or ET )
createasoilwaterdeicit( SWD ).he SWD increases as vines first extract
RAW and then DAW . For the same depth of soil, the sum of RAW and
DAW relative to AWC is greatest for sandy clay loams and clay loams
andleastforheavyclays.hepotentialplantavailablewater( PAW )is
the product of AWC and the soil depth.
10. In dry-grown vineyards, the supply of RAW plus DAW depends on
the balance between rainfall and ET , soil texture, and the depth of
rooting. In irrigated vineyards, depth of rooting is less important
because irrigation is used to control the water content of the top 50 cm
of soil only. In both cases, moderate water stress from fruit set to
used to control SWD in a desired range and also saves water. Partial root
enhance fruit flavors without serious yield loss.
11. Soilwatermonitoringbymeansoftensiometers,gypsumblocks,
capacitance probes, or time domain reflectometery can be used to
schedule irrigations and indicate the amount of water to be applied.
Vine water stress is assessed directly by measuring a leaf or stem water
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