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which would contradict the starting hypothesis.
As a consequence, such a path cannot exist and
G is a tree.
any other node x . Let us assume now that a node
x can be found such that x ! r . In this instance,
the arc from x to r would form, together with the
path from r to x , a cycle. This would contradict
the hypothesis that G is a rooted tree. Therefore,
r cannot have incoming arcs. Let us consider now
a node x ¤ r . Clearly, x has at least one incoming
arc, because there exists a path joining r to this
node. Let us assume that x has more than one
input arcs, and let z and y be two nodes such that
z ! x and y ! x . Two distinct paths exist that join
r with z and y . Therefore, extending these paths
by the arcs z ! x and y ! x , we would obtain
two alternative paths that reach x starting from the
root. This would be in contrast with the definition
of rooted tree, thereby a node x ¤ r must have
a unique incoming arc. We also observe that
removal of any arc x ! y would cause y to be un-
reachable, thereby the tree would be decomposed
in two disjoint parts. As a consequence, the root r
is the only node devoid of incoming arcs. Now, let
G be a directed graph containing a unique node r
without incoming arcs and let us assume that any
other node has just one incoming arc. We want to
prove that in this case G is a rooted tree. To this
purpose, we first observe that at most one path
can exist joining r to any other node x , because
the presence of two alternative paths from r to
a node x implies the existence of a convergence
node that could coincide with x or an “upstream”
node. This node would have two input arcs, in
contrast with the starting hypothesis. Regarding
the acyclicity of G , it is sufficient to observe
that the root r cannot be included in any cycle,
while any cycle not including r should have at
least an input arc at some node z . This node
would be joined to the root through a path that
external to the cycle, and to itself through the
cyclic path. Therefore, z would have two incom-
ing arcs, which contrasts the starting hypothesis.
Consequently, G is a rooted tree.
Theorem A2.2 A graph G is a tree iff G is
connected and m D n 1.
Proof Given a tree G of order n , we can prove
that m D n 1 by induction. In fact, it is trivially
true that if n D 1then m D 0. Let us assume now
that the equality is proved up to some order n 1,
and consider a tree of order n . If we remove
the edge joining two adjacent nodes x and y ,
we obtain two disjoint subtrees G 1 and G 2 , each
having order n i < n ( i D 1,2) and size m i D n i 1.
m D m 1 C m 2 C 1 D n 1 C n 2 1 D n 1
Conversely, let G be connected and m D n 1.
We must prove now that G is acyclic. To this
purpose, let us assume that a cyclic path c exists
in G . If we remove an edge from c , we obtain a
graph that is still connected and of the same order
of G , but the size will be decreased to n 2. This
result is clearly impossible, because a connected
graph must have at least n 1 edges. Therefore,
G must be acyclic, thereby it is a tree.
Let us consider now a subclass of tree struc-
tures that has great practical interest: the rooted
trees . These graphs are directed acyclic structures
characterized by the existence of a special node r ,
called the root , from which it is possible to reach
any other vertex in the graph through unique
paths (Fig. A2.6 ). The following theorem de-
termines all the fundamental properties of these
Theorem A2.3 A directed connected graph G is
a rooted tree iff :( a ) there exists a unique un-
reachable node r in G ( that is , without incoming
arcs ); ( b ) any other node in the graph has one
input arc. Furthermore, removal of a single arc
separates G in two disjoint subtrees .
The previous theorem has the immediate
corollary that the adjacency matrix A will have
a column, corresponding to the root, whose
elements are all zero. Conversely, the remaining
columns will have one element set to unity
and n 1 elements set to zero. Therefore, the
Proof Let G be a rooted tree. In this instance,
there exists a unique path joining the root r with
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