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Fig. A2.1 Control flow programming structures. From
left to right : Conditional branch, pre-conditional loop,
post-conditional loop, and infinite iteration. ExprL is a
logical expression, which can assume the values true ( T )
or false ( F ). Block is a sequence of instructions
at step #6 is a conditional branch . It is executed
comparing the value of x with 10. If x is less
than or equal to 10, then the next instruction that
will be executed is that at line #20, otherwise
it will be executed the instruction at line #7. In
absence of control flow instructions, the sequence
of instructions that are executed by the process-
ing unit is governed by the progression of line
numbers. However, jump instructions determine
a modification of the natural sequence of steps.
This feature can be considered as the most funda-
mental source of algorithms' power. For example,
backward jumps allow to execute more and more
times a block of instructions, providing the basis
for the construction of cycles (or iterations ). Con-
sider the following code segment:
the execution is stopped and the algorithm returns
the actual value of p , else execution proceeds
with step #2. Steps #2 and #3 form the core
block of the algorithm instructions. They calcu-
late x n
D xx k 1 ;
k D 1, 2, :::, n . Finally, step #4 is a backward
jump that forces the program to restart at line
#1. We say that the sequence of steps 1-4 repre-
sents a cycle or iteration. There are three kinds
of cycles in computer programming, which are
illustrated in Fig. A2.1 . They can be implemented
using backward or forward conditional branches
or unconditioned jump statements.
The third class of algorithm instructions is rep-
resented by input/output directives, which allow
to display results of computation, create graphics,
or enter input data and parameters. These instruc-
tions are specific of the programming language
used to implement the algorithms and ultimately
depend from the operating system.
by the recurrence formula: x k
Algorithm A2.1 pow ( x , n ): n -th power of a real
number x .
Input x 2< ; n 2 N ; Output: p D x n
f 0: p 1; k 0
1: k D n ) stop
2: p p x
3: k k C 1
4: jump #1
A2.2 Data Structures
Let D Df x 1 , x 2 , :::, x n g be a set of n data stored
in memory variables. It is assumed that the in-
dex i D 1,2, :::, n associated with the individual
data reflects the order of insertion into the main
memory, not a logical relation between them. The
set could be formed by homogeneous data, for
example a collection of integers, or by heteroge-
neous data, for example compound data records
At step #0, the algorithm initializes a counter
k and the return variable p . Line #1 contains a
conditional branch: if k has attained the value n ,
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