Geology Reference
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If our assumption that the reference figure of
the Earth is a level spheroid is correct, then this
equation will be satisfied for any colatitude ™.By
hypothesis, the flattening f is a small quantity.
Therefore, the following approximations are ap-
Alternatively, assigning the flattening f ,the
parameter J 2 must be calculated as follows:
3 .2f m/
J 2 D
The Stokes' parameter J 2 plays a fundamental
role in geodesy and is termed dynamic form
factor or ellipticity coefficient . It can be deter-
mined by observation of satellite orbits. In fact,
by ( 14.23 ), to the second order the normal gravity
potential at distance r from the Earth's centre is
given by:
a 1 C f cos 2 I
R.™/ Š
R 2 .™/
a 2 1 C 2f cos 2 I R 2 .™/
Š a 2 1 2f cos 2
GMa 2
r 3
Substituting into ( 14.26 ) and dividing both
sides by a / GM gives:
U.r;™/ Š
J 2 P 2 .cos™/
3 2 r 2 ŒP 2 .cos ™/ 1
GM D 1 C f cos 2
aU 0
2 1 C 2f cos 2 3cos 2 1
J 2
While the first term in ( 14.33 ) maintains a
satellite on an elliptical orbit, the second one
introduces a precession in the satellite orbit, at
a rate that depends precisely on J 2 . Therefore,
measuring the precession rate gives a measure of
the dynamic form factor. A recent estimate is:
2 1 2f cos 2 3cos 2 1
where the quantity:
J 2 D 1:081874 10 3
2 a 3
The World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84)
represents the most recent consistent set of con-
stants and model parameters for the definition of
the normal gravity and the reference ellipsoid.
In this reference system, the basic parameters
assume the values listed in Table 14.1 .
The WGS84 reference can be used to calculate
the parameters of the theoretical normal gravity
associated with the ellipsoid. It can be shown
(e.g., Heiskanen and Moritz 1993 ) that the gravity
field on the ellipsoid is given by:
represents the ratio between centrifugal potential
and gravitational potential for a sphere and is
termed rotation parameter . Neglecting all the
quadratic terms in f 2 , mf ,and fJ 2 in ( 14.28 )we
aU 0
GM D 1
2 J 2 cos 2 C fcos 2 C
2 mcos 2
To obtain an equation that is independent from
™, it is necessary that the sum of all terms in cos 2
be zero. Therefore, the following relation must be
a” a cos 2 § C b” b sin 2 §
p a 2 cos 2 § C b 2 sin 2 §
”.§/ D
2 .3J 2 C m/
In this formula, which is known as formula of
Somigliana , § is the geodetic latitude ,thatis,the
f D
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