Geology Reference
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Fig. 13.12 Time
evolution of the
temperature field within
and around an infinite slab
with initial thermal
anomaly T and thickness
2 a . Numbers close to the
curves are values of the
dimensionless parameter
t / a 2
( 1973 ), Richter and Parsons ( 1975 ), Jarvis and
Peltier ( 1982 ), Bercovici et al. ( 1989 ), and
Tackley ( 1998 ). The typical streamline pattern
arising from these models is illustrated in
Fig. 13.11 . Here we will limit to do some simple
physical considerations about the conditions for
the onset of thermal convection in the upper
mantle. Let us consider a spherical blob of radius
a and characterized by a temperature excess
or deficit T with respect to the surrounding
mantle. By ( 12.58 ) , such a thermal anomaly
induces a density anomaly ¡ D T that
corresponds (by Archimedes' principle) to an
additional buoyancy force given by:
T.x;0/ D f.x/ I1 <x< C1 (13.142)
The solution to the diffusion Eq. ( 12.13 )
with the initial condition ( 13.142 ) is known as
Laplace's solution:
f x 0 e . xx 0 / 2 = . 4t / dx 0
2 p  ›t
T.x;t/ D
Usually, the integral in ( 13.143 ) is evaluated
numerically. However, when f ( x ) has the shape
of a square pulse like that of Fig. 13.12 ,sothat
f ( x ) D 0for j x j > a , the integral reduces to a sum
of two error functions (Carslaw and Jaeger 1959 ):
f b D '¡T g
This body will sink or rise with increasing
velocity until the viscous drag is balanced by the
buoyancy ( 13.140 ). From this point on, the mo-
tion will proceed at constant velocity v s given by:
2 T erfc a x
C erfc a C x
T.x;t/ D
2 p ›t
2 p ›t
1 <x< C1
The time evolution of the temperature field
predicted by ( 13.144 ) is illustrated in Fig. 13.12 .
We note that for › t / a 2
9 a 2 '¡T
v s D
ǜ g
D 5 the slab is not anymore
thermically distinguishable from the surround-
ing region. Therefore, for t £ 5 a 2 /› we can
say that there is temperature equilibration. For
example, for a 100 km thick slab sinking in
the asthenosphere ( a D 50 km) we would have
equilibration in 340 Myrs. Now let us come
back to the anomalous blob that is rising or falling
at velocity V s . During the time interval £,the
blob may travel a distance L D v s £. Consequently,
the free rising or falling of the blob is possible
only for L a , because if this condition is not
This is a form of Stokes' law and v s is referred
to as the terminal velocity . Clearly, during its rise
or fall the sphere either transfers or adsorbs heat
by diffusion, thereby the thermal anomaly T
cannot be a constant. To determine the velocity
of this process, let us consider the simple case of
an infinite slab with initial temperature anomaly
T , placed in the region between x D a and x D
C a (Fig. 13.12 ). This is only an example of how
the temperature can be distributed at time t D 0.
In general, we have:
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