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Therefore, substituting these expressions into
( 13.82 ) and taking the arctangent gives, for small
values of the parameter a :
tan 1 2ar sin ™
Qar sin ™
 .r 2
§ D
r 2
a 2
a 2 /
Finally, taking the limit as a ! 0and Q !1 ,
we obtain:
Fig. 13.9 Method for calculating the stream function of
a doublet flow at a point P by superposition of elemental
source and sink stream functions
K sin
§ D
where the parameter K is the doublet strength .
As mentioned above, the most important feature
of the basic flows in fluid dynamics is that more
complex and realistic flows can be constructed
by superposition of the elemental stream func-
tions associated with the basic flows. A more
in-depth introduction to this topic can be found
in Batchelor ( 2000 ). Here we mention the so-
called Rankine half - body , which results from
superposition of a uniform flow of velocity v 0 and
a source of strength Q . Assuming that the source
S is placed at the origin of the reference frame,
the stream function of this flow can be obtained
summing the functions ( 13.75 )and( 13.78 ):
case § does not depend from ™ by ( 13.72 ). In the
simplest case, the tangential component of v is
given by:
u D
where K is a constant whose sign discriminates
between clockwise and counterclockwise vor-
Solving ( 13.72 ) from this velocity field gives:
§ D K ln r
Finally, let us consider a doublet flow. As
illustrated in Fig. 13.9 , the stream function results
from the superposition of the individual stream
functions associated with the source and with the
§ D v 0 r sin ™ C
The corresponding flow is illustrated in
Fig. 13.6 and has a parabolic pattern. This model
originally was introduced to explain the shape
of the broad topographic swell associated with
the Hawaiian hotspot (Sleep 1987 , 1990 ), but
has been successfully employed to represent in
general the interaction of mantle plumes with the
asthenospheric flow (e.g., Ribe and Christensen
1994 ;Walkeretal. 2005 ). By ( 13.72 ) we obtain
for the velocity components:
.™ 2 1 /
§ D
Taking the tangent of ( 13.81 )gives:
tan 2 §
tan ™ 2 tan ™ 1
1 C tan ™ 1 tan ™ 2
D tan.™ 2 1 / D
From elementary geometry considerations we
have that:
2 r I u D v 0 sin ™
u r D v 0 cos™ C
r sin ™
r cos™ a I tan ™ 2 D
r sin ™
r cos™ C a
tan ™ 1 D
For ( r ,™) D ( Q /2  v 0 ,  ) both components of
the velocity vanish and we have a stagnation
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