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Fig. 10.2 Frictional response ( left ) and state evolution ( right ) for a positive 10 % velocity step, followed by a negative
step. u / L is the normalized displacement. The plots were built assuming L D
10 5
m, a D
0.005, and b D
2 a
1 C
v 0 1 e v t=L
state with constant velocity v 0 and friction
coefficient 0 , an arbitrary velocity transition v 0
! v will trigger a transient phase during which
the friction coefficient changes continuously
as a consequence of the evolution of a state
variable ™:
™.t/ D
The constitutive law ( 10.1 ) shows that the
friction coefficient may change either as a
consequence of velocity variations or as a conse-
quence of state transitions. Figure 10.2 illustrates
the variations of dynamic friction coefficient and
state after positive and negative velocity steps.
After a sudden velocity increase v ! ' v , '>1,
has a positive transition ! C a ln',which
is known as the direct velocity effect . Such a dis-
continuous transition is followed by a continuous
decrease in friction, having magnitude b ln'.In
fact, by ( 10.2 ) we have that the state variable ™
decreases exponentially to the asymptotic value
1 D L / v , thereby the third factor at the right-
hand side of ( 10.1 ) will tend asymptotically to the
value - b ln( v / v 0 )(Fig. 10.2 ).
As a consequence, the steady state friction
coefficient will be given by:
¢ D 0 C a ln v
C b ln v 0 ™.t/
.t/ D
v 0
where a ,and b are constants that can be
determined experimentally and ™(0) 0 D L / v 0 .
The state variable ™ was interpreted as the age of
a population of contact points supporting the load
¢ across the fault plane. The Dieterich-Ruina for-
mula is based on the assumption that the physical
state of the contact surface can be characterized
at any time by a single variable ™ D ™( t ), and
that the frictional stress depends only from the
normal stress ¢, the slip rate v , and the state
variable ™ (Dieterich 1979 ; Ruina 1983 ). Several
evolution laws were proposed for the variable
™ (for a review, see Nakatani 2001 ). The most
simple of them is (Dieterich and Linker 1992 ):
£ ¢ D 0 C .a b/ln
v 0
1 D
This solution implies that for a < b the steady
state friction decreases with increasing veloc-
ity. This form of friction can be observed for a
wide class of materials, and the reference friction
coefficient 0 results to be nearly independent
from the rock type and from temperature. The
solution ( 10.4 ) apparently says that the steady
state friction at some velocity v depends from
the previous steady state pair ( 0 , v 0 ). In this
instance, a series of velocity values v 0 , v 1 , :::, v n
would produce a sequence of friction coefficients
L ™.t/ v
P ™.t/ D 1
Experiments showed that the characteristic
distance L varies between 2 and 100 mand
increases with the surface roughness and the fault
gouge particle size. Equation 10.2 implies that for
a stationary contact the state variable ™ increases
linearly with time, while for constant v > 0we
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