Geology Reference
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especially in the upper mantle. The technique of
determining the lateral variations of seismic ve-
locity starting from the observation of arrival time
differences is known as seismic tomography and
represents a powerful tool of modern seismology.
This technique has shown to be effective in pro-
viding spectacular images of the Earth's internal
structure, in particular of descending slabs.
local travel time table for Pg waves generated
from a surficial source, assuming take-off an-
gles from 85 ı to the minimum take-off angle
for Pg waves, with increments of 5 ı , starting
from ( 9.60 )and( 9.61 ).
Aki K (1969) Analysis of seismic coda of local earth-
quakes as scattered waves. J Geophys Res 74:615-631.
doi: 10.1029/JB074i002p00615
Anderson DL, Spetzler H (1970) Partial melting and the
low-velocity zone. Phys Earth Planet Int 4(1):62-64
Dziewonski AM, Anderson DL (1981) Preliminary ref-
1. What is the geometry of a seismic ray with
0 D 0?;
2. Determine the travel-time curve T D T ( X )for
waves reflected at a horizontal discontinuity,
knowing that the two-way travel time (TTWT)
for vertical incidence is T 0 ;
3. What is the correction that must be applied
on a set of travel times of reflected arrivals
to obtain proportionality between arrival time
and depth to the reflector (this is known as
normal moveout )?
4. Determine the travel-time curve T D T ( X )of
a Pn phase, given the crustal thickness and
assuming a homogeneous crust and surficial
5. Assuming a homogeneous crustal layer, the
first arrival at short range would be a direct
wave only below the crossover distance. De-
termine this distance;
6. Determine the critical distance below which
Pn phase arrivals are impossible, assuming a
homogeneous crust;
7. Draw the delay time curve associated with the
travel time curve of Fig. 9.13 ;
8. Download the MS Excel file ESP215.txt, con-
taining a velocity model of oceanic crust in the
Balearic Basin (Pascal et al., 1993, Geophys.
J. Int., 113 , 701-726.), from the supplemental
material web site. This file contains a table that
divides the oceanic crust into a series of flat
layers with P wave velocity that increases lin-
early and variable thickness. Write a computer
program that uses this ASCII table to build the
Hirschmann MM (2010) Partial melt in the oceanic low
velocity zone. Phys Earth Planet Int 179(1):60-71
Jeffreys H, Bullen KE (1940) Seismological tables, British
Association for the Advancement of Science. Burling-
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Karato SI, Jung H (1998) Water, partial melting and the
origin of the seismic low velocity and high attenuation
zone in the upper mantle. Earth Planet Sci Lett 157
Kennett BLN, Engdahl ER (1991) Travel times for global
earthquake location and phase identification. Geophys
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Kennett BLN, Engdahl ER, Buland R (1995) Constraints
on seismic velocities in the Earth from traveltimes.
Geophys J Int 122:108-124
Lambert IB, Wyllie PJ (1970) Low-velocity zone of the
Earth's mantle: incipient melting caused by water.
Science 169(3947):764-766
Sato H, Fehler MC, Maeda T (2012) Seismic wave
propagation and scattering in the heterogeneous Earth.
Springer, Berlin, p 494
Shearer PM (2007) Seismic scattering in the deep Earth.
In: Schubert G (ed) Treatise on geophysics, vol 1.
Elsevier, The Netherlands, pp 695-730
Shearer PM (2009) Introduction to seismology, 2nd edn.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 396 pp
Stein S, Wysession M (2003) An Introduction to seis-
mology, earthquakes, and earth structure. Blackwell
Publishing Ltd, Carlton, 498 pp
Stixrude L, Lithgow-Bertelloni C (2005) Mineralogy and
elasticity of the oceanic upper mantle: origin of the
low-velocity zone. J Geophys Res 110(B3):B03204.
doi: 10.1029/2004JB002965
Storchak DA, Schweitzer J, Bormann P (2003) The
IASPEI standard seismic phase list. Seismol Res Lett
Thybo H (2006) The heterogeneous upper mantle low
velocity zone. Tectonophysics 416(1):53-79
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