Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
d 2
dp 2 D
Therefore, the curve £ D £( p ) is concave
upward in the case of prograde segments and
concave downward in the case of retrograde
branches. Differently from the curve T D T ( X ),
this curve is always a single-value function,
thereby it can be used more easily to determine
velocity models from travel time data.
Fig. 9.15 A point ( X 0 , Y 0 ) on the travel time curve can be
uniquelly identified by an intercept £ and the slope p of
the tangent to the curve at the point
Low-Velocity Zones
solutions ( 9.53 )and( 9.55 )into( 9.69 ) to obtain
an expression for the delay time £:
Low - velocity zones ( LVZ ) are regions where the
seismic velocity decreases with depth, in contrast
to a general trend characterized by positive gradi-
ents (hence by increasing velocities). According
to Snell's law, we have that seismic rays are
bent downwards within an LVZ, as illustrated in
Fig. 9.16 . Clearly, no seismic ray can bottom in
an LVZ, and those that penetrate one of these
regions will turn at greater depth, where the
velocity c has raised above any velocity in the
LVZ. Note that the seismic ray emerging at point
C in Fig. 9.16 has the same parameter of the ray
emerging at A . In fact, the ray with turning point
at the upper boundary of the LVZ will bifurcate
at its bottom, generating an additional ray that
travels through the LVZ. Seismic rays with a
slightly less parameter will have a decreasing
range, back to a caustic point at the far end of
the shadow zone .
In presence of an LVZ, the travel-time curve,
T D T ( x ), and the delay time curve, £ D £( p ),
show a gap respectively for a range of distances
corresponding to the shadow zone at the Earth's
surface and for a range of values of the ray
parameter p (Fig. 9.17 ). At global scale, the most
important example of LVZ is a region of astheno-
sphere or lower lithosphere between 100 ˙ 20 km
and 220 km depth, which is characterized by an
average 1.08 % drop in ' and 1.13 % drop in “
in the PREM model (Dziewonski and Anderson
1981 )(seeFig. 8.4 ) .
This upper mantle LVZ has greater thickness
and velocity reduction beneath the oceans, and
the velocity drop can reach 5 % in some regions
# d z
z max
s 2 . z /
p s 2 . z / p 2
p 2
p s 2 . z / p 2
.p/ D 2
z max
z max
p s 2 . z / p 2 d z D 2
D 2
s z . z /d z
where we have used the expression ( 9.50 )forthe
vertical slowness. In the case of a material formed
by a stack of homogeneous layers, this expression
assumes the form:
£.p/ D 2 X
q s i p 2 z i D 2 X
ǜ i z i I s i >p
The slope of the curve £ D £( p ) is given by:
z max
p s 2 . z / p 2 d z
dp D 2 d
z max
p s 2 . z / p 2 d z D X.p/
D 2p
Therefore, X ( p ) 0 implies d £/ dp < 0, and the
curve £ D £( p ) is monotonically decreasing also
in the case of triplications. Now let us take the
second derivative of ( 9.70 ). We have:
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