Geology Reference
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of the displacement field plays an important role
in the quantitative description of the deformation
process. Let us consider now the curl of u :
¨ ij dx j D © ijk k dx j D . dr/ i
@ u 3
@x 2
@ u 1
@x 3
@ u 2
@x 3
@ u 3
@x 1
This result shows that ¨ is a rigid rotation
about an axis having the direction of ,so
that no deformation is associated with the anti-
symmetric part of the Jacobian matrix. As a
consequence, any deformation is described by
the strain tensor ©. We note that the compo-
nents of © are non-dimensional quantities that
are calculated from partial derivatives of the dis-
placement field. The diagonal components, © kk ,
represent variations of displacement components
along the corresponding directions. For example,
© 11 D @ u 1 /@ x 1 represents the variation of the x -
component of displacement as we move along the
x axis.
Taking the trace of ©, we obtain the divergence
of the displacement field:
r u D
e 1 C
e 2
@ u 2
@x 1
@ u 1
@x 2
e 3
It is not difficult to prove that this quantity
is associated only with rigid rotations. This re-
sults promptly from a comparison of expressions
( 7.41 )and( 7.33 ). Therefore, r u is non-zero
only when the displacement field includes a com-
ponent of rigid rotation. A deformation that can
be described by a traceless (© kk D 0) strain tensor
leaves invariant the volume of a body and is
referred to as a pure shear .Asimpleexampleof
pure shear deformation is illustrated in Fig. 7.7 d.
Let us consider now the off-diagonal components
of ©, which arise from variations of displacement
components along transversal axes. For example,
© 12 ¤ 0whenthe x component of u varies as
we move in the y direction, or when u y changes
as we move in the x direction, both possibilities
being admissible at the same time. When in a pure
shear deformation the strain tensor diagonal is
identically zero and the deformation arises from
a single pair of off-diagonal components (e.g., © 12
and © 21 ), a simultaneous rotation about an axis
orthogonal to the plane of deformation may lead
to the situation illustrated in Fig. 7.7 c, which is
termed simple shear .
In simple shear, two orthogonal segments with
a common fixed point, initially parallel to coor-
dinate axes, assume new orientations after defor-
mation (Fig. 7.7 c), with angles ¥ 1 and ¥ 2 with re-
spect to the coordinate axes. For an infinitesimal
deformation in the xz plane, it results:
© kk Dr u
This quantity is called dilatation and repre-
sents the volume change per unit volume during
deformation. In fact, assuming that the strain
tensor is diagonal, we have that a volume element
dV D dx 1 dx 2 dx 3 is changed as follows:
1 C
dx 1 1 C
dx 2
@ u 1
@x 1
@ u 2
@x 2
dV 0 D
1 C
dx 3 Š
1 C
@ u 3
@x 3
@ u k
@x k
dx 1 dx 2 dx 3
1 C
dV D .1 C /dV
@ u k
@x k
Therefore, the relative variation of volume will
be given by:
@ u 1
@x 3 I ¥ 2 Š tan ¥ 2 D
@ u 3
@x 1
¥ 1 Š tan ¥ 1 D
dV 0 dV
Whenever it results @ u i /@ x i > 0, we have exten-
sion along the axis x i . Conversely, for @ u i /@ x i < 0
we have contraction. In general, the divergence
@ u 1
@x 3 C
@ u 3
@x 1 D 2 © 13
¥ 1 C ¥ 2 Š
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