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2n j h ¢ j 2 ¢ i n i ¢ j i
D œn j I j D 1;2;3
Solving these equations with the constraint
( 7.13 ) gives nine solutions, three of which are the
base versors n i (for which T S D 0). The remaining
six represent the planes where T S has local or
global maxima:
p 2 ; ˙
p 2 ;0
p 2 ;0; ˙
p 2
0; 1
p 2
p 2 ; ˙
It is easy to v erify that T S attains its maximum
for n D
Fig. 7.5 Cauchy' s s tress surface. V ersor m is parallel to
T ( n )and ¡
1= p 2 n
D 1/ p T N is the distance PQ
3 . For these directions,
it results that the shear and normal components of
stress are given by:
˙ n
We obtain the following direct formula for ¢ 1
and ¢ 2 :
¢ 1 ¢ 3
2 I T N D
¢ 1 C ¢ 3
r £ 12 C
2 . £ 11 C £ 22 / C
4 . £ 11 £ 22 / 2
¢ 1 D
r £ 12 C
In the case of two-dimensional problems, for
example in the study of the state of stress along
vertical faults, it is easy to determine direct for-
mulae for the normal and shear components of
stress, and for the principal stresses. If s is the
strike of a vertical fault (clockwise angle from
the North) and the coordinate axes x 1 and x 2 are
directed, respectively, northward and eastward,
2 11 C £ 22 /
4 11 £ 22 / 2
¢ 2 D
Now we are going to describe the variability
of the normal stress T N ( n ) at a point P ,which
is determined by ( 7.10 ) in the reference frame of
the principal axes, as a function of n . This can be
done through an elegant geometrical method due
to Cauchy. For any versor n at P , let us consider
the point Q along the direction of n , at distance:
2 . £ 11 C £ 22 / C
2 . £ 11 £ 22 / cos 2s
T N .s/ D
C £ 12 sin 2s
T S .s/ D
2 22 £ 11 /sin 2s C 12 cos2s
p T N .n/
¡.n/ D
The set of points Q , whose distance from P is
¡( n )forvariable n , forms a surface S that traces
the variations of normal stress at P . This surface
is known as the Cauchy stress surface and has
the important property that its normal at Q has
the same direction of T ( n )at P , as illustrated in
Fig. 7.5 .
To prove this assertion, we first note that if q i
are the Cartesian coordinates of Q in the principal
axes reference frame, which has origin at P ,then
Then, we see that T S D 0for:
2 tan 1 12
s D s 1 D
£ 11 £ 22
One principal axis has direction n 1
D (cos s 1 ,
sin s 1 ), the other one has versor n 2
D (cos s 2 ,sin
s 2 ) D (sin s ,cos s ), where s 2 D s 1 C  /2. The
principal stresses are obtained substituting s 1 and
s 2 into the expression ( 7.17 ) for of T N .
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