Geology Reference
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traction vector T from a direction vector n .In
general, the components of this tensor change
with the position within the body. However, its
symmetry guarantees that we can always find
three directions n i such that the shear stress is
zero along surface elements orthogonal to n i .In
these conditions, n i and T ( n i ) are parallel each
other, so that by Cauchy's theorem ( 7.3 )wehave:
T n
By convention, the three stresses ¢ i are sorted
in such a way that: j ¢ 1 j > j ¢ 2 j > j ¢ 3 j .When¢ 1 D
¢ 2 D ¢ 3 we say that the stress field is hydrostatic .
In liquids, the stress tensor is always diagonal and
¢ i - P ,where P is the pressure . An important
feature of the principal stresses ¢ i at a point r is
that they allow to predict the planes of maximum
shear stress at that point. In geology, these are
the planes along which the probability of rupture
and faulting, for a given stress field, reaches a
maximum. Now we are going to show that there
are just two orientations of n such that the shear
component of T ( n ) is maximum, and ¢ 1 and ¢ 3
form angles of 45 ı with each of these planes. Let
us consider an arbitrary plane with normal versor
n in the principal axes coordinate system. In this
instance, by Cauchy's theorem the normal stress
along this plane is given by:
i D œ i n
D £n
I i D 1;2;3 (7.5)
where the quantities œ i are scalars. To find a ver-
sor n i that satisfies ( 7.5 ), we solve the following
eigenvalue equation:
. £ i / n
D 0
where I is the identity matrix of order three. The
parameter œ i that satisfies this equation is the
eigenvalue of the equation, while n i is the eigen-
vector . Equation 7.6 represents a homogeneous
system of three linear equations in the unknown
eigenvector components n j , which has non-trivial
solutions only when:
T N .n/ D T .n/ n D ¢ i n i
Therefore, the squared shear stress component
will be given by:
T S .n/ D T 2 .n/ T N .n/ D ¢ i n i ¢ i n i 2
det.£ i / D 0
This is a cubic equation, which has three real
solutions because of the stress tensor symmetry.
To find the eigenvector corresponding to a given
eigenvalue œ i , we insert this value in ( 7.6 )and
solve for the eigenvector components n j ,taking
into account that only two of the three compo-
nents are independent. The three eigenvectors n i
are orthogonal each other and define a new local
reference frame that is called the system of the
principal axes of stress. In this local coordinate
system, the stress tensor is represented by a
diagonal matrix ¢ given by:
the directions of
maximum shear
@T S
@n j D 0
with the constraint that:
n i n i D 1
This is a classic problem of finding a con-
ditional maximum, which can be solved using
Lagrange's multipliers. In this instance, we will
search the solutions of the equations:
¢ 1 00
2 0
00¢ 3
T £N D
¢ D N
@T S
@n j D œn j I j D 1;2;3
where N is a matrix formed with the components
of the eigenvectors n i :
where œ is the Lagrange multiplier. Using ( 7.11 ),
these equations can be rewritten as follows:
N ij D n i
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