Image Processing Reference
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This chapter presents the design and simulation of the dilation and erosion
morphological operations on binary images with QCA technology. The new QCA
implementations provide parallel processing, high circuit performance, very low di-
mension and very low power consumption compared to similar implementations
with conventional VLSI technology.
These advantages make the proposed implementations useful for image process-
ing systems applied on mobile or autonomous devices where real time processing
and low power consumption is needed. The image processing algorithms consid-
ered in this chapter are limited to basic algorithms which are applied only on binary
images, but further research could cope with more complicated mathematical mor-
phology algorithms.
Moreover, image and video applications require intensive computations since the
processing usually has to be applied to each image pixel and in some cases recur-
sively to the whole image. For example, nonlinear filtering operations could be de-
signed by using advanced QCA circuits, including all order statistics filters such as
medians, L-filters, ranked-order statistic filters and stack filters. Performing the re-
quired large number of comparisons and sorting operations, which are necessary in
such applications, in real time with a conventional sequential digital system would
require extremely high clock speeds, leading to high power consumption. A more
efficient design based on QCA technology would eventually lead to the reduction of
computational complexity and power consumption.
1. Bhanja, S., Sarkar, S.: Thermal switching error versus delay tradeoffs in clocked QCA
circuits. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems 16(5), 528-
541 (2008)
2. Bubna, M., Roy, S., Shenoy, N., Mazumdar, S.: A layout-aware physical design method
for constructing feasible QCA circuits. In: Proceedings of the ACM Great Lakes Sym-
posium on VLSI, GLSVLSI, pp. 243-248 (2008)
3. Cardenas-Barrera, J.L., Plataniotis, K.N., Venetsanopoulos, A.N.: QCA implementa-
tion of a multichannel filter for image processing. Mathematical Problems in Engineer-
ing 8(1), 87-99 (2002)
4. Chatzichristofis, S.A., Mitzias, D.A., Sirakoulis, G.C., Boutalis, Y.S.: A novel cellular
automata based technique for visual multimedia content encryption. Optics Communi-
cations 283(21), 4250-4260 (2010)
5. Chatzis, V., Pitas, I.: A generalized fuzzy mathematical morphology and its application in
robust 2-D and 3-D object representation. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 9(10),
1798-1810 (2000)
6. Chatzis, V., Pitas, I.: Interpolation of 3-D binary images based on morphological skele-
tonization. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 19(7), 699-710 (2000)
7. Cho, H., Swartzlander Jr., E.E.: Adder and multiplier design in quantum-dot cellular
automata. IEEE Transactions on Computers 58(6), 721-727 (2009)
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