Image Processing Reference
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The discrete-time dynamics of the hybrid cellular automata (HCA) is given by
the next equation, which applies synchronously to all n cells (a cell is identified by
an index i
Cell x i 1 (
x i (
x i (
x i + 1 (
) ,
) ,
)) ,
m i
where the upper index “ T ” stands for the transmitting CA counter,
is the log-
ical XOR operator and Cell
u 1
u 2
u 3
is a Boolean function with 3 binary
inputs ( u 1
u 2, and u 3), also called the CA (local) rule. A periodic boundary con-
dition is assumed i.e. the leftmost cell ( i
1) is connected to the rightmost one
( i
can be optimized [14] (so far
our programs perform optimization in reasonable time for n
n ). The binary mask vector m
m 1 ,
m 2 ,..,
m n ]
to obtain a max-
2 n
imal cycle length ( r
. The above equation (1.1) easily extends to larger
neighborhoods such as m
5 by adding 2 additional inputs to the cell, located on
the rightmost and leftmost positions ( i-2 ,and i
2 ). For any neighborhood the rela-
tionship between inputs and the output local CA rule can be characterized in two
different ways while conversion functions are available via [30] :
a) Truth-Table (TT) representation: This is the most widely used representa-
tion. The rule is characterized by a binary vector Y
sentation in decimal basis is called a rule identifier (ID). The output y k is a binary
number assigned to the cell's output when its inputs ordered as a binary vector
y N 1
y N 2
y 0
u n ,
are the binary representation of k;
b) Algebraic Normal Form (ANF): This form is described by a binary vector
u n 1 ,..,
u 1 ]
(using the method in [30] a unique conversion from Y to C and
vice-versa exists) such that its coefficients are multipliers of an algebraic represen-
tation on the GF2 exemplified next for the case of m
c 0 ,
c 1 ,...
c N ]
3 neighborhood:
c 0
c 1 u 1
c 2 u 2
c 3 u 2 u 1 k 3 u 3
c 4 u 3
c 5 u 3 u 1
c 6 u 3 u 2
c 7 u 3 u 2 u 1
Note that in general (for any size m of the neighbourhood) c k is the multiplier of
a product (logical AND) of all input variables in a binary vector
u 1 ]
corresponding to 1 in the associated binary vector representing k . For example, in
the case of m
u n ,
u n 1 ,...,
101 2 only the inputs corresponding to 1 in the input
string u 3 u 2 u 1 are selected to be multiplied resulting in the term c 5 u 3 u 1 .
The most important results of our research in designing HCA that are good
chaotic counters are summarized in Figure 1.8:
i) First, we have a number of HCA with 3 inputs where the ANF represen-
tation of the rules is given by the formula: y
3for k
m i
u a
u b
u c u b where a
are cell position indexes such that a
h where h is an integer. In all
these cases a computationally intensive program is run to find the best mask (the
one maximizing the dominant cycle length L
. For instance the HCA with rule
1347465135 has the best mask found so far 19801 (decimal representation of
mask vector m
m 1 ,
m 2 ,..,
m n ])
leading to L
131071 in the case of n
cells (i.e. addressing an image of size 512
1024). The problem with all HCA in the
above category is that they are conservative (no transient and possible to optimize
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