Image Processing Reference
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initial state of the system, and P is a set of production rules or productions defining
the way variables can be replaced with combinations of constants and other vari-
ables. A production consists of two strings, the predecessor and the successor. For
any symbol 'A' in V which does not appear on the left hand side of a production in
P, the identity production A
A is assumed; these symbols are called constants or
terminals. The rules of the L-system grammar are applied iteratively starting from
the initial state.
The grammars for producing 'Allah', 'Muhammad', and 'Ali' are as follows:
Case Allah
Va r i a b l e s ='X';
Constants = 'F' 'f' '+' '-';
Start = '-FFFF-f-FFFF+f-F+f+F+F-fF-F-f-fffFF+FF-ffFF-FFFF+FF+FF+FFX'
Rules = 'X' '-ffffFFFF-f-FFFF+f-F+f+F+F-fF-F-f-fffFF+FF-ffFF-FFFF+FF+FF+FFX'
Angle =
Case Muhammad
Va r i a b l e s ='X';
Constants = 'F' 'f' '+' '-';
Start ='-FF+FF+FF+FFFFF-FF+FFF+Ff+FFF-fffFF-ffF-f-F-F+f+F+Ff-ffFF-FF-FF-FF-
Rules = '-FF+FF+FF+FFFFF-FF+FFF+Ff+FFF-fffFF-ffF-f-F-F+f+F+Ff-ffFF-FF-FF-FF-
Angle =
Case Ali
Va r i a b l e s ='X';
Constants = 'F' 'f' '+' '-';
Rules ='X' '-fffffff-FF+FF+FF-ffFFF-FFF-fff-FF+FF+FF-FF-FFFFF-FFFFX'
Angle =
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