Image Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
9. Lee, C., Kim, D.-U., Shin, H., Kim, D.-S.: Efficient computation of elliptic Gabriel
graph. In: Gavrilova, M.L., Gervasi, O., Kumar, V., Tan, C.J.K., Taniar, D., Laganá,
A., Mun, Y., Choo, H. (eds.) ICCSA 2006. LNCS, vol. 3980, pp. 440-448. Springer,
Heidelberg (2006)
10. Maignan, L., Gruau, F.: Integer gradient for cellular automata: Principle and examples.
In: Spatial Computing Workshop at IEEE SASO 2008 (2008)
11. Maignan, L., Gruau, F.: Gabriel graphs in arbitrary metric space and their cellular au-
tomaton for many grids. ACM Trans. Auton. Adapt. Syst. (2010)
12. Mukherjee, K.: Application of the Gabriel graph to instance based learning algorithms.
Master's thesis, SFU CS School (2004)
13. Park, J.C., Shin, H., Choi, B.K.: Elliptic Gabriel graph for finding neighbors in a point set
and its application to normal vector estimation. Computer-Aided Design 38(6), 619-626
14. Torbey, S., Akl, S.G.: An exact and optimal local solution to the two-dimensional convex
hull of arbitrary points problem. J. Cellular Automata 4(2), 137-146 (2009)
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