Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
TABLE 2.3 ( Continued )
Summary of 40 Most Asked NEPA Questions
17 What constitutes a “conflict of interest” for a private firm in relation to preparing an EIS?
18 How should uncertainties about indirect impacts be addressed in an EIS?
19 What is the scope of mitigating measures that must be addressed and how should they
be treated if they are outside the jurisdiction of the implementing agency?
20 Question 20 addressed “worst case” analysis but it was withdrawn when NEPA was
amended to delete the requirement for worst case analysis.
21 If work on a project is done outside the formal NEPA process, to what degree can the
NEPA document refer to prior or accompanying work?
22 May the lead agency role be shared with other state or federal agencies?
23 What procedures should be followed by an agency proposing an action if the action is
in conflict with adopted land use plans?
24 When are EISs required on agency actions more comprehensive than an individual
projects such as plans, policies, geographically broad actions, and follow-up activities?
25 When is the use of appendices appropriate in a NEPA document?
26 What are the guidelines for an EIS index?
27 Who should be included in the list of preparers?
28 Can reproduced copies of the EIA be filed prior to the public availability of printed
29 What is an agency's responsibility to respond to comments regarding inadequacy and
new alternatives?
30 Can a cooperating agency adopt only selected portions of an EIS to fulfill their
responsibility under NEPA for their actions?
31 Do the CEQ Regulations apply to independent regulatory agencies and can an agency
adopt a prior EIS prepared by an independent regulatory agency?
32 When and to what degree does an EIS require a Supplement before action can be taken?
33 When should an action be referred to CEQ if an agency has an issue with another
agency's proposed action?
34 What is the required content and public availability of an ROD?
35 What is the expected time to complete the NEPA process?
36 What are the expected contents of an EA?
37 What is the required content of a FONSI?
38 What is the public availability requirement for EAs and FONSIs?
39 Can mitigation measures be included and required in EAs and FONSIs?
40 Can mitigation be used in an EA to eliminate otherwise significant impacts of a
proposed action, thus eliminating the need for an EIS?
Source: Federal Register 46 (55), March 17, 1981.
Abbreviation: FONSI, Finding of No Significant Impact.
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