Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
federal actions (e.g., one agency is funding and another agency
is issuing an environmental permit) and actions subject to both
federal and state/local regulations.
- Develop and maintain a list of agency actions that have been
determined not to have an impact. For example, CATEX (CEQ
Regulations §1508.4; see Section 3.6 of this topic).
r Begin environmental analysis and the NEPA process early in agency
action planning and integrate it throughout development. This
includes interagency cooperation and dialogue.
The CEQ Regulations (§1501) establish a process for NEPA compliance
that  is discussed in detail in Chapter 3. Similarly the NEPA centerpiece,
the EIS, is described in CEQ Regulations §1501 and discussed in detail else-
where in this topic (Chapter 3 for NEPA-speciic processes and Chapters 4
and  5 for processes generally typical to environmental analysis under any
Commenting and Coordinating on NEPA Products
As discussed above, daylighting and public access to information are critical
components of NEPA and essential to advancing the nation's environmen-
tal policy. CEQ Regulations §1503 on “commenting” implements the open-
ness and solicitation of public comment on the NEPA process implied in the
Act. This section specifically requires solicitation of comments on a draft EIS
and provides the option for comments on the final EIS. In addition, §1506.6
deals directly with public involvement and includes requirements for each
agency to “ Make diligent efforts to involve the public in preparing and implement-
ing their NEPA procedures .” The section also requires each agency to provide
adequate public notice of meetings and information availability and hold
public meetings and hearings whenever appropriate during the execution
of the NEPA process. The requirement for scoping (§1501.7) also emphasizes
the importance of involving the public, other agencies, and even “ including
those who might not be in accord with the action on environmental grounds .”
The CEQ Regulations also seek maximum public involvement by requiring
a broad notification of actions potentially affecting the environment. A notice
of intent (NOI) must be prepared and issued if an agency intends to prepare
an  EIS. The notice must include a clear and concise statement addressing
the purpose and need for the action (see Section 3.2 for a full discussion of
purpose and need). In addition, the NOI should include a brief description
of the proposed action and any alternatives the agency has considered or
plans to consider. The NOI is not expected to contain an exhaustive or com-
plete list because alternatives will be developed, refined, and eliminated as
an integral part of the scoping and environmental evaluation process. The
NOI must also summarize the agency's proposed scoping process, including
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