Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
TABLE 2.1 ( Continued )
Example Methods Developed by Federal Agencies to Facilitate Environmental Consideration as Required by NEPA
Applicability to NEPA Environmental Analysis
Fish Field and Laboratory Methods of
Evaluating the Biological Integrity of Surface
EPA/600/R-92/111. EPA March 1993
Standardized description of existing isheries
resources and techniques to determine impacts
on the resource from past activities.
Ecological Risk: A Primer for Risk Managers
EPA/734/R-95/001. EPA 1995
Nontechnical presentation on use of ecological
risk assessment to evaluate impacts.
Evaluation Guidelines for Ecological Indicators
EPA/620/R-99/005. EPA May 2000
Establishes protocol to select appropriate
indicators of ecological conditions and
predicted impacts. This focuses and
streamlines investigation phase of
environmental analysis.
Methods for Collection, Storage, and
Manipulation of Sediments for Chemical and
Toxicological Analyses; Technical Manual
EPA-823-B-002. EPA October 2001
Establishes standardized methods for evaluation
of aquatic sediment conditions and impacts.
A National Park Guide: Protecting and
Enhancing Soundscapes
www.nature.nps.gov/naturalsounds. National
Park Service Oct. 2012
Methods and criteria for noise impact evaluation.
EA, Environmental Assessment; EIS, Environmental Impact Statement; EPA, Environmental Policy Act; NEPA, National Environmental
Policy Act.
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