Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Example Methods Developed by Federal Agencies to Facilitate Environmental Consideration as Required by NEPA
Applicability to NEPA Environmental Analysis
Techniques for Sampling and Analyzing the
Marine Macrobenthos
EPA/600/3-78-030. EPA March 1978
Standardized description of existing aquatic
invertebrate resources and techniques to
determine impacts on the resource from past
Guidance on Use of Habitat Evaluation
Procedures and Suitability Index Models
Fish and Wildlife Service; PB 86-100151
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.1987
Determination of relative value and
characteristics of ecological resources before
and after proposed action.
Rapid Bioassessment Protocols for Use in
Streams and Rivers
EPA/444/4-89/001. EPA 1989
Presents methods for EIS/EA level analysis of
aquatic biological existing conditions and
impacts from past actions.
Plant Toxicity Testing with Sediment and
Marsh Soils
NPS/NRWRD/NRTR-91/03. Department of
Interior 1991
Provides methods to determine what level of
contamination would impact vegetation.
Methods for Measuring the Acute Toxicity of
Efluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater
and Marine Organisms
EPA/600/4-60/027. E{A. 1991
Establishes standardized methods to determine
impacts from discharges on surface waters and
can be used not only in impact prediction but
development of alternatives.
Framework for Ecological Risk Assessment
EPA/822/R-92/001. EPA 1992
Establishes a conceptual approach to ecological
risk assessment, which can be a basic tool in
evaluating impacts to biological resources.
( Continued )
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