Environmental Engineering Reference
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impacts. If used appropriately, the checklists can minimize overlooking an
area of impact by prompting consideration of each resource and mentally proj-
ect the proposed action overlaying the resources. The resources confirmed as
potentially affected are the environmental receptors at the bottom, or end of
the impact prediction conceptual model (e.g., the impact receptors air quality,
traffic delays, economic viability). The checklists provide an opportunity for
discussion and consideration by team members of the proposed action and
alternatives in relation to a laundry list of resources. However, if the checklist
is completed in a vacuum by someone with expertise in only one or a limited
number of environmental resources, the checklist completion task can become
nothing more than a required exercise with little or no benefit. Also, generic
checklists developed to accommodate all projects in all types of environments
tend to be either so general that they are of little value (air quality, as opposed
to mercury vapor concentrations) or so long that they are overwhelming, and
critical resources at risk are not given adequate consideration.
The most advantageous use of the checklist is as a component in the develop-
ment of a comprehensive and dynamic impact prediction conceptual model. A
project- and location-specific checklist can be developed, perhaps referencing
and editing a more generic list. The project-specific list can provide a starting
place in the identification of environmental receptors and perhaps it can serve as
input for an open discussion and workshop for the entire environmental analy-
sis team and other stakeholders as they jointly develop the conceptual model. Impact Prediction Conceptual Model Example:
USCG DCR Environmental Impact Analysis
As described in detail in Chapter 10 (Section 10.1) the shipping of dry cargo
(e.g., iron ore, coal, and limestone) from the locations where they are mined
to manufacturing centers has occurred on the Great Lakes for more than a
century. The loading, unloading, and transport of the cargo result in spillage
on the deck and within tunnels of the ships, and this DCR was historically
swept overboard. Under pressure from Great Lakes' environmental stakehold-
ers the U.S. Congress recognized that this practice may have environmental
impacts, violate the Clean Water Act, and be inconsistent with treaties and
international agreements addressing Great Lakes environmental stewardship.
As a result they charged the USCG with developing a suitable management
plan and governing regulations, taking into account the impacts of past DCR
discharge practices. Since the regulations were a major federal action with
potential environmental impacts, NEPA applied and an EIS was required.
As discussed earlier, the first step in predicting environmental impacts is
the development of an impact prediction conceptual model, and for the DCR
EIS this was done initially for the continuation of existing DCR management
practices, which was one of the alternatives considered in the EIS. In the impact
prediction conceptual model (Figure 5.10) a potential impact is initiated dur-
ing loading or unloading of the dry cargo onto a Great Lakes carrier. If during
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