Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
is formed to conduct the analysis, they could pick up the scoping statement
and use it as a set of instructions to conduct the analysis without missing a
beat. The statement typically includes:
r Description of the scoping process
r Summary of the information disseminated during the process,
including purpose and need statement, project location, etc.
r Identification of the issues raised
r Explanation of how each issue raised will be addressed in the envi-
ronmental impact analysis; if it will not be addressed, why
r Identification of the alternatives that will be addressed in the envi-
ronmental analysis, and if some identified during scoping are not
included, why
r A summary description (sometimes with details provided in an
appendix) of the evaluations that will be conducted to address the
issues, male impact predictions, compare alternatives and the meth-
ods proposed for the evaluations
r A description of the public outreach program
r Contact information for the designated environmental analysis team
liaison with the public and how additions, comments, and questions
can be submitted
r Identification of where relevant information is available
r A schedule for the analysis including target dates for public out-
reach events such as meetings and site visits.
r A list of comments received during scoping and statement of how
each will be addressed, or if not why.
The AJ Mine EIS (see Section 10.3 for a description of the AJ Mine environ-
mental analysis) included a broad CAC, full TAC, subtopic TACs, periodic scop-
ing meetings at critical junctures, and thus represents a significantly enhanced
scoping process. Because of the enhanced process the resulting scoping state-
ment is longer, broader, and more detailed than many full environmental
impact analysis documents. The total length of the scoping statement for the
AJ Mine EIS was 276 pages. Approximately 150 addressed the tasks to be con-
ducted to complete the analysis and most of the rest of the document was a
table, listing the issues raised (1031 comments assigned to 76 categories) dur-
ing the scoping process and how each would be addressed. The scoping docu-
ment for AJ Mine was a bit over the top, but it was perhaps a reaction to the
rejection of a first attempt at an EIS conducted by the mining company and
rejected largely due to a lack of openness and response to the public.
A more typical scoping statement would be a few dozen pages at most.
It might include a table, frequently as an appendix, with the issues raised
and the intended approach to addressing the issues in the environmental
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