Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
Using these elements, the abstract image descriptions must then be rendered, meaning
they are converted to visible form. Rendering depends on two standardized functions that
functions performed in rendering are as follows:
Geometry —The sizing, orienting, and moving of primitives in space and the calcula-
tion of the effects produced by the virtual light sources that illuminate the image
Rasterization —The converting of primitives into pixels on the video display by
filling the shapes with properly illuminated shading, textures, or a combination of the
A modern video adapter that includes a chipset capable of 3D video acceleration has spe-
cial built-in hardware that can perform the rasterization process much more quickly than
if it were done by software (using the system processor) alone. Most chipsets with 3D ac-
celeration perform the following rasterization functions right on the adapter:
Scan conversion —The determination of which onscreen pixels fall into the space de-
lineated by each primitive
Shading —The process of filling pixels with smoothly flowing color using the flat or
Gouraud shading technique
Texture mapping —The process of filling pixels with images derived from a 2D
sample picture or surface image
Visible surface determination —The identification of which pixels in a scene are ob-
scured by other objects closer to the viewer in three-dimensional space
Animation —The process of switching rapidly and cleanly to successive frames of
motion sequences
Antialiasing —Theprocessofadjustingcolorboundariestosmoothedgesonrendered
Tolearn moreabout3Dtechniques suchasfogging,Z-buffering,T-buffering,programmable
shading, and rendering methods, see the sections “Typical 3D Techniques,” “Advanced 3D
Filtering and Rendering,” and “Single-Versus Multi-Pass Rendering,” in Chapter 12 , Video
Hardware ,”in Upgrading and Repairing PCs, 19 th edition ,includedinitsentiretyonthedisc
packaged with this topic.
Software Optimization
It's important to realize that the presence of an advanced 3D-rendering feature on any
given video card is meaningless unless game and application software designers optimize
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