Hardware Reference
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The DOS Boot Process
MS-DOS and similar operating systems (PC-DOS, DR-DOS, and Freedos) use the fol-
lowing boot process:
1. The initial system file (called IO.SYS or IBMBIO.COM ) is loaded, and the initialization
code copies itself into the highest region of contiguous DOS memory and transfers
control to the copy.
2. The initialization code loads MSDOS.SYS (or IBMDOS.COM ), which initializes the base
device drivers, determines equipment status, resets the disk system, resets and initial-
izes attached devices, and sets the system default parameters.
3. CONFIG.SYS is read multiple times. On the first pass any DEVICE statements are pro-
cessed in the order in which they appear; the drivers named are loaded and executed.
Then, any INSTALL statements are processed in the order in which they appear; the
programs named are loaded andexecuted. The SHELL statement isprocessed andloads
the specified command processor with the specified parameters. If the CONFIG.SYS file
contains no SHELL statement, the default \COMMAND.COM processor is loaded with de-
memory (because the job of the initialization code is finished).
4. If AUTOEXEC.BAT is present, COMMAND.COM loads and runs AUTOEXEC.BAT . After the
commands in AUTOEXEC.BAT have been executed, the DOS prompt appears (unless
AUTOEXEC.BAT calls an application program or shell of some kind, in which case the
usermightoperatethesystemwithouteverseeingaDOSprompt).Ifno AUTOEXEC.BAT
file is present, COMMAND.COM executes the internal DATE and TIME commands, displays a
copyright message, and displays the DOS prompt.
The Windows 9x/Me Boot Process
The Windows 9x/Me boot process can be broken into two phases:
• The IO.SYS file is loaded and run. (Windows 9x's IO.SYS combines the functions of
• The WIN.COM file is loaded and run.
Phase 1—Loading and Running IO.SYS
1. The IO.SYS initialization code initializes the base device drivers, determines equip-
ment status, resets the disk system, resets and initializes attached devices, and sets the
systemdefaultparameters. The Starting Windows messageisdisplayedfor2seconds,
or until you press a Windows function key.
2. The IO.SYS initialization code reads the MSDOS.SYS configuration file.
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