Hardware Reference
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Logically, this works because the first 20 pins of the 24-pin connector that match the
20-pin motherboard socket contain the correct signals in the correct positions. The only
problem that might arise is if there are some components on the motherboard directly ad-
jacent to the end of the 20-pin power socket that physically interfere with the four extra
unused terminals on the 24-pin connector.
What about the opposite condition, in which you have a new motherboard with a 24-pin
socket but your power supply has only a 20-pin connector? In this case, four terminals at
the end of the motherboard socket are not connected. This also works because the 20-pin
portion of both the connector and socket are the same. But this example raises another
question: Will the motherboard operate properly without the extra power pins? Because
the extra signals are merely additional voltage pins that are already present in the remain-
ing part of the connector, the answer should be yes, but if the motherboard draws a lot of
extra pins were added in the first place.
also have an additional peripheral (that is, disk drive) power connector onboard designed
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