Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Enter the value in the Connection test field as shown in the screenshot and
then click on the OK button.
Now from the Applications section, double-click on Local | localhost:9999 .
On the right tab view, the system will add a new tab and open the
Overview subtab.
JVM - monitoring and tuning
We learned how to configure the Liferay Portal server with JConsole and
VisualVM. Both of these tools can be used to monitor Liferay Portal JVM. In
Chapter 3 , Configuration Best Practices , we learned how to configure Liferay Portal
JVM parameters. We also learned the recommended JVM parameters for the Liferay
Portal server. In most cases, the recommended parameters will work well. But there
is scope to optimize them according to the developed solution during load testing.
The most important areas that need close monitoring during a load test are heap
memory and garbage collection. JConsole's Memory tab (as shown in the following
screenshot) allows us to closely monitor the heap memory and garbage collection
activities of the Liferay Portal server:
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