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<bootstrapCacheLoaderFactory class="com.liferay.portal.cache.
ehcache.LiferayBootstrapCacheLoaderFactory" />
<cacheeternal="false" maxElementsInMemory="10000"
<bootstrapCacheLoaderFactory class="com.liferay.portal.cache.ehcache.
LiferayBootstrapCacheLoaderFactory" />
As shown in the preceding code snippet, we have defined one cache bucket with
a name com.liferay.portlet.calendar.service.impl.CalEventLocalUtil .
This cache bucket stores the Calendar-portlet-related service responses in the cache.
We have defined various cache control attributes in the cache tag. Some of the
attributes are related to cache replication. Let's understand the important cache
control attributes of the cache tag:
eternal : This attribute indicates whether the objects placed in the specific
cache can expire or not. If it is set to true , objects in the cache will never
expire. It overrides the value of the timeToIdleSeconds attribute. We
configured its value to false as we need to make sure cached objects
are removed if they are not used.
maxElementsInMemory : This attribute is important to size in-memory cache.
It defines the maximum number of objects that can be stored in RAM. Once
the number of objects in the cache bucket reaches this number, the cache
manager removes the least recently used ( LRU ) object from the cache, if
the overflowToDisk attribute is set to false .
timeToIdleSeconds : This attribute defines the time for which an object can
be in the cache without utilization. For example, the value of this parameter
is set to 3600 for one of the cache buckets, and there is an object in the cache
bucket which has not been accessed in the last hour. In this situation, such
an object will be removed from the cache bucket. This attribute is also very
important from the point of view of performance.
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