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the bed surface was not armored. One should expect an easy movement of the
bedload because frequent weather breakdowns with heavy rains in the Tatras may
prevent forming a stable cover.
Cross-sections V, IV, and VI are mostly prone to erosion. In cross-section II the
process of material accumulation prevailed. During the floodwater in 2010 a
massive amount of bedload was transported. It should be noticed that in the upper
reaches the Białka incises itself into the bedrock. This is a process which drastically
changes the flow regime in mountain rivers. For this reason, reparation measures
should be undertaken in the Białka catchment.
In the lower reach, the Białka is a braided river. It forms a complicated multi-bed
pattern which poses a difficulty for the process of modeling hydromorphological
changes during flood with transported bedload.
In most cases, the CCHE2D model was not a correct representation of horizontal
changes in the elevation of a bed composed of rough grains. Instead, the energy of
the modeled flow caused linear erosion and accumulation processes. Possibly,
making a model of a shorter river reach with a dense mesh would improve the
correctness of illustration of bank erosion in rivers of this type.
The amount of transported bedload in the model is comparable with the TRANS
method, calibrated for mountain rivers.
Acknowledgments The research reported in this article was performed within the project N N305
186537: The description of balanced mountain rivers and streams state on the basis of natural
morphological parameters.
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