Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Appendix 2
Technical criteria for wind farm power stations
connected to the transmission system
Note for readers - In this Grid Code the common rules for all generators are set
down in the generation section of the Grid Code Connection Conditions. There are
then a number of Schedules with requirements for particular types of generators.
Only the Schedule for wind turbine generators is included here. WFPS refers to a
wind farm power station.
Applicability of Technical Design and Operational
In this Schedule 2, all references to Generating Units shall
be read and construed as references only to Generating
Units Connected to the Transmission System that form part
of a WFPS .A Generating Unit is generally a single Wind
Turbine Generator . This Schedule 2 shall not be deemed to
refer to CCGT Modules , Steam Turbine Units , Gas Tur-
bine Units , Solar Generating Units or Energy Storage
units which are separate from a Wind Turbine Unit whether
or not forming part of a WFPS .
In this Schedule 2, unless otherwise specified, all references
to measurements shall be deemed to be applicable at the
Connection Point of the WFPS .
This Schedule 2 contains technical, design and operational
requirements for WFPSs that are more detailed than those
set out in CC .6 and is intended to be complementary to
CC .6. However, in the event of any conflict between the
requirements of CC .6 and the requirements of this Schedule
2, the provisions of this Schedule 2 shall prevail. Detailed
information relating to a particular Connection will, where
indicated below, be made available by the TSO on request
by the Generator . A number of the requirements in this
Schedule 2 and the WFPS Settings Schedule (being a
separate part of the Code published from time to time on the
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