Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
You can learn more about the materials available through Shape-
ways, and compare costs of various options, by visiting ht-
tp:// .
When you choose Shapeways from the Print To menu, the Printer menu lists
dozens of material options. The material you select affects the appearance and cost
of the object you print.
The preview of the 3D object changes in the image window to reflect the choices
you've made. When you choose Plastic Alumide, the preview shows a silver-gray
tag with extruded text.
4. Make sure Inches is selected in the Printer Volume menu to specify how
printer volume should be measured.
3D printers have different capacities, and it's important to consider whether your
object will fit within the printer's volume. The Printer Volume values are dimmed,
because you can't change them; they describe the volume for the printer you've
chosen. The Scene Volume values reflect the size of your 3D scene (in this case,
a single object). If Show Printer Volume Overlay is selected, the preview shows a
cube outline to represent the printer volume that the scene lies within.
If the scene volume is larger than the printer volume, click Scale To Print Volume
in the Properties panel to reduce its size so that your printer can print it. In this
case, the scene volume is comfortably smaller than the printer volume.
5. Choose Medium from the Detail Level menu. This option determines how
detailed the preview image is.
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