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Painting with Light : Using Camera Raw as a Filter
In addition to opening files in Camera Raw to start the editing
process, you can apply Camera Raw settings as a filter to any file
in Photoshop. You'll use Camera Raw as a filter to make adjust-
ments to this still-life image. First, you'll convert the image to a
Smart Object so you can use Camera Raw as a Smart Filter, ap-
plying changes without affecting the original file.
1. In Photoshop, choose File > Open. Navigate to the Lessons/
Lesson12 folder, and double-click the Fruit.jpg file to open it.
2. Choose Filter > Convert for Smart Filters. Click OK in the in-
formational dialog box.
3. Select Filter > Camera Raw Filter. The image opens in Camera
You converted the image to a Smart Object so you can apply
Camera Raw as a Smart Filter. You can also apply Camera Raw
as a standard filter, but then you can't return to adjust your set-
tings or hide the adjustments in your image file.
4. Select the Adjustment Brush in the toolbar.
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