Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Usually, you select an entire layer in the Layers panel. When you do that, the
layer is active, but there isn't actually an active selection. When you Ctrl-click or
Command-click the thumbnail of the layer, Photoshop selects the contents of the
layer, so you have an active selection. It's a quick way to select all of the contents
of a layer—but only the contents of that specific layer.
7. Make sure Layer 1 is still selected in the Layers panel, and then use the
Brush tool to paint over the hands and arms. You can paint quickly where
the hands are against transparent areas because painting outside the selec-
tion has no effect. However, remember that the shirt is part of the selec-
tion, so you need to be more careful as you paint the skin where it abuts
the shirt colors.
To change the brush size as you paint, press the bracket keys on
your keyboard. The Left Bracket key ([) decreases the brush size;
the Right Bracket (]) increases it.
8. Paint any areas of the face or neck where the original flesh color shows
through the Green_Skin_Texture layer.
9. When you're happy with the green skin, choose Select > Deselect. Save
your work.
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