Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
You've created a natural family snapshot.
Review questions
1 . What is the advantage of using layers?
2 . When you create a new layer, where does it appear in the Layers panel
3 . How can you make artwork on one layer appear in front of artwork on an-
other layer?
4 . How can you apply a layer style?
5 . When you've completed your artwork, what can you do to minimize the
file size without changing the quality or dimensions?
Review answers
1 . Layers let you move and edit different parts of an image as discrete ob-
jects. You can also hide individual layers as you work on other layers.
2 . A new layer always appears immediately above the active layer.
3 . You can make artwork on one layer appear in front of artwork on another
layer by dragging layers up or down the stacking order in the Layers pan-
el, or by using the Layer > Arrange subcommands—Bring To Front, Bring
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