Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Part 2
A simpler, faster approach
Part 1 described some important design decisions you must make and each of
their different options. In part 2, you will learn about a combination of options
that is a particularly effective way to design applications with POJO s and light-
weight frameworks.
One of the great things about POJO s and lightweight frameworks is that they
enable you to tackle complex business logic using an object-oriented design. In
chapter 3, you will see how to implement the business logic as a domain model,
which is also known as an object model. You will learn how to develop a domain
model using a test-driven approach and mock objects.
Once you have developed a domain model, you invariably need to persist it. In
chapter 4, you will learn how to persist a domain model using an object/relational
mapping ( ORM ) framework. You will examine the key features of an ORM frame-
work and learn strategies for testing a persistence layer effectively.
Chapters 5 and 6 describe how to persist the domain model we developed in chap-
ter 3 using two popular ORM frameworks. Chapter 5 discusses JDO , and chapter 6
explores the issues you must solve when persisting a domain model with Hibernate.
In chapter 7, you will learn how to encapsulate the business logic with a POJO
façade instead of the traditional EJB session façade. This chapter describes how to
manage transactions with the Spring framework, and you will also see how to detach
JDO and Hibernate objects so that they can be returned to the presentation tier.
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