Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Throwable getCause()
Figure 12.7
Part of the JDOException class hierarchy
When an optimistic locking failure occurs, the JDO implementations throws a
JDOOptimisticVerificationException . The JDO specification does not describe
which subclass of JDOException the JDO implementation will throw to signal pessi-
mistic locking and serializable transaction failures. However, it's possible that the
JDOException will contain the underlying SQLException , which can be accessed by
calling JDOException.getCause() . For more information about how errors are
reported, consult your JDO implementation's documentation.
The JdoTemplate maps the JDOOptimisticVerificationException to a Spring
OptimisticLockingFailureException . In addition, if the JDOException contains a
SQLException , the JdoTemplate will convert it to a data access exception using the
exception mapping mechanism we saw in section 12.2.5. We can even plug in our
own custom SQLExceptionTranslator . As a result, it's possible that the JdoTem-
plate will report pessimistic locking and serializable transaction errors correctly.
Except for this relatively minor issue and potential problem with using optimistic
locking and pessimistic locking in the same application, it is relatively easy to use
all three concurrency mechanisms in a JDO application. Next we'll examine how
to use optimistic locking, pessimistic locking, and serializable transactions in a
Hibernate application.
Handling concurrent updates with Hibernate
Hibernate, like JDO , also supports optimistic locking, pessimistic locking, and seri-
alizable transactions. In this section, we use the business logic for the Send Orders
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