Java Reference
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Because concurrent updates are handled by the database's serializable transaction
mechanism, neither statement locks rows or maintains a version number. Instead,
you must configure either the Spring TransactionInterceptor , which provides
transaction management for the transaction script, or the JDBC DataSource , which
creates JDBC connections.
Configuring the TransactionInterceptor
Here is an example of how to configure a TransactionInterceptor Spring bean to
use serializable transactions:
<bean id="DataSourceTransactionInterceptor"
<property name="transactionManager">
<ref bean="DataSourceTransactionManager"/>
<property name="transactionAttributeSource">
<ref bean="MatchAllMethods"/>
<bean id="MatchAllMethods"
<property name="transactionAttribute">
The DataSourceTransactionInterceptor would be applied to the RestaurantNo-
tificationTransactionScripts class using a BeanNameProxyCreator Spring bean,
whose definition is not shown. These bean definitions specify that when any
method of the RestaurantNotificationTransactionScripts is invoked, the
TransactionInterceptor will execute that method in a serializable transaction.
Configuring a DataSource
Configuring a transaction interceptor to use a particular isolation level is a flexible
solution that enables different methods to use different isolation levels. The other
option is to set the isolation level for DataSource , which will cause all transactions
that use that DataSource to use that isolation level. The details of how to configure
a DataSource to use a particular isolation level are implementation specific. Here is
an example of how to configure a Database Connection Pool ( DBCP ) DataSource
Spring bean to use serializable transactions:
<bean id="DataSource"
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