Java Reference
In-Depth Information
bb SQLQuery query = session
bb .createSQLQuery(sqlQuery);
bb query.addEntity("o", Order.class);
bb query.addJoin("r", "");
bb query.setParameter("name", "Oakland");
bb List results = query.list();
bb return results;
bb }
Notice that the SELECT statement uses placeholders such as {o.*} for the column
names. Hibernate replaces them with the real column names when it executes the
SELECT statement. The call to SQLQuery.addEntity() tells Hibernate that the table
alias o refers to the Order class, and the call to SQLQuery.addJoin() tells Hibernate
that the table alias r refers to the order's restaurant property. The list()
method returns a list of arrays. Each array consists of an Order and its Restaurant .
The restaurant is also accessible by calling Order.getRestaurant() . If your appli-
cation needs to navigate the result set, it can also execute Hibernate SQL queries
by calling scroll() .
SQL queries enable an application to execute SQL statements while staying
within the Hibernate framework. However, they have some drawbacks:
1 You must generate queries by concatenating SQL fragments, which are
messy and difficult to maintain.
2 Using SQL directly embeds some knowledge of the database and the
schema in the application code.
3 The query must retrieve all the properties of the objects, which might be
Therefore, although SQL queries are useful if you need to manipulate the persistent
objects, a better approach is to use i BATIS to generate and execute the queries. It
requires less code and gives you more control over how the result set is processed.
11.7 Summary
Designing and implementing a search screen that lets the user search for entities
that match certain search criteria is challenging. The application must implement
a paging mechanism in order to handle result sets that are too large to load entirely
into memory or display on a single page. It must generate queries dynamically,
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