Java Reference
In-Depth Information
public void create() throws Exception {
bb InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
bb Reference reference = new Reference(
bbbb PlaceOrderService.class.getName(),
bbbb new StringRefAddr("beanName",
bbbb "PlaceOrderService"),
bbbb SpringObjectFactory.class.getName(),
bbbb null);
bb ctx.bind("MyTestSpringBean", reference);
public void destroy() throws Exception {
bb InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
bb ctx.unbind("MyTestSpringBean");
In this listing, the @Service annotation indicates that SpringBeanReferenceIni-
tializer is a service POJO . The create() method then creates a Reference and
binds a name to it, and the destroy() method unbinds the reference.
As you can see, initializing the JNDI references when using JB oss requires the
definition of a simple POJO service. The only other thing we must do is ensure
that the SpringBeanReferenceInitializer is created before any of the EJB s that
reference the Spring beans. Let's look at how to do this.
Annotating the session bean class
The next step is to annotate the session beans to tell the EJB container to inject
the Spring beans. There are three different annotations that we must use:
@Resource is used on each field that references a POJO . It tells the EJB con-
tainer to inject the object bound to the specified JNDI name.
@PersistenceContexts is used on the bean class to bind a JNDI name to the
EntityManager so that it can be looked up the Spring JndiObjectFactory-
Bean , as we explain a bit later, and injected into the POJO repositories.
@Depends is a JB oss-specific annotation that is used on the bean class to
ensure that the SpringBeanReferenceInitializer binds the JNDI references
before the EJB is deployed.
Here is an example of a stateless bean class that uses these annotations:
bb name=net.chrisrichardson.foodToGo.ejb3.service.
bbbbbb SpringBeanReferenceInitializerLocal")
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